Frameworks for a better future

Frameworks are specially made for developing web applications in an efficient manner. Therefore, developers use frameworks to make their app more standard. Anyway, frameworks play one of the major roles in the software industry. When developers work with customers, they all have the better experience of latest technologies. Therefore, they are always expecting the latest technologies of the world. So developers always try to make all their web sites modern with these frameworks.

When developing frameworks can be divided in to two main sections. Such as

1.Front end Development

Front end is the most special section in the developing world. This is the best chance to interact audience directly. As developers they use a lot of frameworks for success their front end development.

Frameworks for front end


This framework was found in 2011 and it is the most famous framework at present. The developers in any experience level use this as their framework. This is so easy as this is composed with many user friendly tools. Bootstrap provides responsive designs for the developers. There is a popular and understanding documentation too.

Meterial UI

This helps in google material design. This is offered as a standard version and utilized with IZ column grid features. It is loaded with CSS that easy to use with material design shadows. There is a huge selection of components. Responsive with all web sites. However, large frameworks can make the site bulkier.


Skelton is a responsive boilerplate that consists of 400 lines. It is a 12 column grid system and extremely lightweight.This useful and really important in creating in smaller projects.


This too a lightweight framework similar to Skelton. It uses CSS flexible box layout module. It includes typography, buttons, forms and lists. But there are only some minimal styling and resources are available in this.


It solves complex layout needs. So you can create any grid layout that you need. Automatically can be performed any sort of calculation.

2.Back end development


If you are interested in web, mobile or game development the best solution is .Netcore.


This is one of the fastest minimalized framework. There is an amazing routing API. There are many plugins. This even based on Nodejs. This helps everyone to make powerful web services with HTTP.


Python is too very popular among the developers. That is why we developers choose to create power full web applications by using this amazing frameworks.


It has MVC design patterns and developed with PHP for developing extensive back ends. This was introduced as PHP framework in 2011. This consists with full featured back end and web development. This has own template engines and its own CLI.

Why we need frameworks?

  • Frameworks always reduce the amount of coding in the application. This really helps to the developers to make their applications efficiently. So this always saves the time of the developers. In some frameworks there are some special features that are really useful and manageable for the developers.
  • This is defined as a software library and a place where the ordinary code offers. These functions are used to process and manage hardware devices and interact with the system with many more qualities.
  • This mainly provides the platform for the applications. Therefore, if you are willing to select a framework it is really important to select the best platform as this is the base of our application. If a developer is not familiar with these developments the best thing that developer should do is asking from the senior developers for the details of the framework. So when selecting a framework that should have many reviews and specifications. Not only that but also these frameworks should be more popular among the developer world. Then it should be a kind of latest technologies and enriched with many more user friendly themes.
  • Any way Software Engineering is a daily updating field and developers should be responsible to add an extra value for this development by respecting their principles.


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