
Babel is a toolchain which can that is mainly used to convert Ecma script  code to backward compatible version.

There are many abilities which the babel can do,
  1. Transform syntax
  2. Pollyfil features
  3. Source code transformation

This supports the latest version of java script . Babel can convert jsx syntax . Should start with react pre set . This includes following plugins. Such as,
  • @babel/plugin-syntax-jsx
  • @babel/plugin-transform-react-jsx
  • @babel/plugin-transform-react-display-name

This is to create react element there are many kinds of utilities in babel. Babel can be configured. All the API options in babel are allowed. When you use babel, the recommended version of node version is the latest version. This would never run on older versions of Node. Every breaking change will effects the project. This has some issues with handling node modules. Babel is a core part of java script eco system. This always converts the modern java script in to the form of understanding by the older browsers.

Why the Babel?

React uses vanila JSX syntax. Babel converts this JSX to vanilla Javascript. React too uses ES6 java script which is not supported by many browsers. Babel basically converts ES6 java script for the code which all browers can understand.


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